aisha tida

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Diaspora Dumpling
Potluck + Archiving Party

At the Diaspora Dumpling Potluck + Archiving Party, eight participants shared the edible results of their exploration of the richness of food as medium.

Each guest chef was challenged to invent, prepare, and share their very own diaspora dumpling, defined as “an inventive, cross-cultural food item made to be eaten in multiples—necessarily composed of a mixed filling that is wrapped in dough before being cooked. An edible medium for sharing who you are and where you come from.”

Filed under:
food, sculpture, diaspora, participatory, social practice, houston

iel elle ehna kreyek
(Magnet Poetry)

1800+ magnets featuring keywords gleaned from online workshops and interviews revolving around language(s) and lexicon of queer expression in Tunis.

Includes common queer terminology/slang, gay icons, local streets / areas / venues, and derogatory slurs.
Filed under: queer, language, textparticipatory, interactive, collab, tunis

Queer Code

A Time For Action

A curated evening of installation-performances designed to question the boundaries of “performance” through staged conversations reckoning with the ways that we each have internalized, perform, and sustain white supremacy on a personal and institutional level.

Mobile Sérigraphie
Print Collection

Collection of print experiments created over the course of the project.

Print design focused on old, worn, and broken textures and shapes formed by hundreds of years of movement and use in El Hafsia neighborhood.

Mobile Serigraphie
The Making Of (Dev + Workshops)

A highly-DIY project that transformed the silkscreen printing technique, typically limited to commercial production in Tunisia, to a process of creation accessible to all people, any time, any place.

Through the creation of a sérigraphie station on wheels, the project reappropriated everyday public spaces to become sites of inspiration, experimentation, and expression.

this website is an ever-evolving database of aisha tida’s cultural and social endeavors.