aisha tida

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Diaspora Dumpling
Recipe Archive

Participatory Artwork
A collection of recipe card sets filled out by participants of the DD project.

Each set contains three unique cards  that guide storytelling chefs through the imaginative process of dreaming up their own diaspora dumpling. 

Please ︎ contact the artist to contribute your story-based recipe to the archive!
Filed under:
dd, participatory, social practice, food, diaspora

︎︎︎Coming Soon: Full Gallery: Diaspora Dumpling Recipe Archive

Diaspora Dumpling
Potluck 001 (Tableau + Artifacts)

Participatory Installation
This installation is the first adaptation of the Diaspora Dumplings project for a gallery setting. Titled Diaspora Dumpling Potluck 001 (Tableau + Artifacts), the work presents the project in two ways: first, it gives a glimpse of the pilot Diaspora Dumpling Potluck + Archiving Party (held in September 2024), and second, invites exhibition visitors to co-author the DD project by contributing their own set of story-based recipes to the archive.

Exhibited in EXperimental at Box13 ArtSpace January - Februrary 2025.
Filed under:
dd, installation, exhibitionfood, sculpture, diaspora, participatory, social practice, houston

︎︎︎Coming Soon: Gallery: Diaspora Dumpling Recipe Archive

Diaspora Dumpling
Potluck + Archiving Party

At the Diaspora Dumpling Potluck + Archiving Party, eight participants shared the edible results of their exploration of the richness of food as medium.

Each guest chef was challenged to invent, prepare, and share their very own diaspora dumpling, defined as “an inventive, cross-cultural food item made to be eaten in multiples—necessarily composed of a mixed filling that is wrapped in dough before being cooked. An edible medium for sharing who you are and where you come from.”

Filed under:
ddfood, sculpture, diaspora, participatory, social practice, houston

this website is an ever-evolving database of aisha tida’s cultural and social endeavors.