aisha tida

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Diaspora Dumpling
Potluck + Archiving Party

At the Diaspora Dumpling Potluck + Archiving Party, eight participants shared the edible results of their exploration of the richness of food as medium.

Each guest chef was challenged to invent, prepare, and share their very own diaspora dumpling, defined as “an inventive, cross-cultural food item made to be eaten in multiples—necessarily composed of a mixed filling that is wrapped in dough before being cooked. An edible medium for sharing who you are and where you come from.”

Filed under:
food, sculpture, diaspora, participatory, social practice, houston

Work In Progress
A recipe- and pattern-based project centering the traditionally hand-pressed Tunisian pastry مقروض (makroudh).
Filed under:
food, sculpture, diaspora, pattern 

Diaspora Dumplings
Work in Progress
Collaborative series diving into personal and familial histories through conversation, food, and joyful connection. Research, experimentation, storytelling, recipes, photos, and a glossary explore the nuances of home, belonging, and representation.

Amok (Bad Human Bean)
An immersive installation designed to overwhelm.

Investigating notions of authenticity, agenda, and self-suspicion, the constructed space relies on chromatic tension, physiological limits, and paradox to recreate the feeling of obsession.

Tunis Tissé
Six-color limited edition screenprint inspired by the pillows and rugs seen across various homes and desert tents throughout my childhood, from Tunis to Kuwait, to the USA and back.
Filed under:
printmaking, diaspora, pattern

this website is an ever-evolving database of aisha tida’s cultural and social endeavors.