aisha tida

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Exhibition Project

Showing at Box13 ArtSpace 
Opening May 30, 2025

PUSH/PULL is a transdisciplinary exhibition project featuring new collaborative works by aisha tida,  ARCOS Dance, and Leila Mnekbi. 

Centering intimate interactive dance and sound performances within a quilted site-specific installation, PUSH/PULL invites audience-participants to explore notions of authorship and agency while questioning the world we live in, the definitions and patterns we accept, and the loops and illusions we wish to escape.

On view at Box13 ArtSpace May through June 2025.

Kul 3am (NYFWA)
Two .gif format artworks created specifically for the exhibition “Not Your Family WhatsApp.” 

Celebrating the magnificence of “chosen family”, these gifs allow queer people to fearlessly (and humorously) reclaim the sparkly graphics typically reserved for birthdays and religious holidays.
Filed under:
queer, exhibition, language, online

︎︎︎NYFWA Virtual Exhibition

A Time For Action

A curated evening of installation-performances designed to question the boundaries of “performance” through staged conversations reckoning with the ways that we each have internalized, perform, and sustain white supremacy on a personal and institutional level.


An experimental pattern- and projection-based video installation developed in collaboration with Leila Mnekbi. 

Overwhelming visuals paired with a poetic questionnaire performed in formal Arabic and English gives  examiners a pause of reflection and meditation amidst the pressure and chaos of the inner city's rollercoaster.


*Postponed and then eventually cancelled due to COVID-19
A collectively curated international exhibition slated to open in March 2020 at heritage site Ennejma Ezzahra.

From this highly collaborative curator-artist relationship came Potential Future Pasts, an interactive performance-installation and workshop series where guests investigate how layered present, past, and future movements might interact between physical and virtual dimensions.

this website is an ever-evolving database of aisha tida’s cultural and social endeavors.