aisha tida

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Diaspora Dumplings
Work in Progress
Collaborative series diving into personal and familial histories through conversation, food, and joyful connection. Research, experimentation, storytelling, recipes, photos, and a glossary explore the nuances of home, belonging, and representation.

iel elle ehna kreyek
(Magnet Poetry)

1800+ magnets featuring keywords gleaned from online workshops and interviews revolving around language(s) and lexicon of queer expression in Tunis.

Includes common queer terminology/slang, gay icons, local streets / areas / venues, and derogatory slurs.
Filed under: queer, language, textparticipatory, interactive, collab, tunis

Queer Code

Haya Bismillah
︎︎︎A dialogical text discussing the value of food beyond physical nourishment, written for El Warcha Collaborative Design Studio.

The sharing of bread remains a practice of meal as ritual, one that grows and sustains our social bond. No one eats alone.

this website is an ever-evolving database of aisha tida’s cultural and social endeavors.