aisha tida

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Code of Being
Linking art, craft, and language, this collection of screenprints on found fabrics demonstrates the beautiful complexities of El Hafsia beyond el fripe through the valorization of everyday elements of the social and built environment.

Motifs from the eclectic houma, abundant in architectural forms and decorative styles, in conjunction with the ongoing dialogue between members of the community, create the visual language in Code of Being.

Archif Eshkaal
Pattern Collection

Patterns, textures, and shapes collected throughout the run of the Mobile Sérigraphie project.

Mobile Sérigraphie
Print Collection

Collection of print experiments created over the course of the project.

Print design focused on old, worn, and broken textures and shapes formed by hundreds of years of movement and use in El Hafsia neighborhood.

Mobile Serigraphie
The Making Of (Dev + Workshops)

A highly-DIY project that transformed the silkscreen printing technique, typically limited to commercial production in Tunisia, to a process of creation accessible to all people, any time, any place.

Through the creation of a sérigraphie station on wheels, the project reappropriated everyday public spaces to become sites of inspiration, experimentation, and expression.

The City Is Ours
A collaborative project between civic and cultural organizations in Tunis and Amsterdam. A six-session workshop series incorporated the making of public art into teaching teenage girls about freedom of expression, democracy, and  civic engagement.

The project culminated in Community Art Day, where girls took ownership of the local Dar Shabbab (Youth Center) while addressing an audience of 100+ neighbors and local policymakers about gendered space in their neighborhood. 

this website is an ever-evolving database of aisha tida’s cultural and social endeavors.