aisha tida

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A two-day online conference discussing curatorial positions informed by “cultural disorders.” Panels formed by curators from Tunisia, Mexico, USA, and Turkey discuss artistic and curatorial practices as tools of resistance and crafting a more equitable future.

Queer Code
Online Workshops
The online workshop “Queer Code: LGBTIQ+ Language in Tunisia and Beyond" opened dialogue about queer identity and expression in Tunisia.

Through both the local and global lens, led by creative writing and drawing exercises, international participants discussed the local chakchouka of language and lexicon.

Where do certain words come from? How do we use them and why?
Filed under:
tunis, queer, online, social practice, workshops, language, collab, participatory

︎︎︎See: iel elle a7na kreyek

Archif Eshkaal
Pattern Collection

Patterns, textures, and shapes collected throughout the run of the Mobile Sérigraphie project.

this website is an ever-evolving database of aisha tida’s cultural and social endeavors.