aisha tida

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An experimental pattern- and projection-based video installation developed in collaboration with Leila Mnekbi. 

Overwhelming visuals paired with a poetic questionnaire performed in formal Arabic and English gives  examiners a pause of reflection and meditation amidst the pressure and chaos of the inner city's rollercoaster.


*Postponed and then eventually cancelled due to COVID-19
A collectively curated international exhibition slated to open in March 2020 at heritage site Ennejma Ezzahra.

From this highly collaborative curator-artist relationship came Potential Future Pasts, an interactive performance-installation and workshop series where guests investigate how layered present, past, and future movements might interact between physical and virtual dimensions.

Archif Eshkaal
Pattern Collection

Patterns, textures, and shapes collected throughout the run of the Mobile Sérigraphie project.

Mobile Serigraphie
The Making Of (Dev + Workshops)

A highly-DIY project that transformed the silkscreen printing technique, typically limited to commercial production in Tunisia, to a process of creation accessible to all people, any time, any place.

Through the creation of a sérigraphie station on wheels, the project reappropriated everyday public spaces to become sites of inspiration, experimentation, and expression.

El Warcha Hydroponic Garden

Permanent site-specific print installation designed for El Warcha’s neighborhood hydroponic garden.

this website is an ever-evolving database of aisha tida’s cultural and social endeavors.