aisha tida

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Diaspora Dumpling
Potluck 001 (Tableau + Artifacts)

Participatory Installation
This installation is the first adaptation of the Diaspora Dumplings project for a gallery setting. Titled Diaspora Dumpling Potluck 001 (Tableau + Artifacts), the work presents the project in two ways: first, it gives a glimpse of the pilot Diaspora Dumpling Potluck + Archiving Party (held in September 2024), and second, invites exhibition visitors to co-author the DD project by contributing their own set of story-based recipes to the archive.

Exhibited in EXperimental at Box13 ArtSpace January - Februrary 2025.
Filed under:
dd, installation, exhibitionfood, sculpture, diaspora, participatory, social practice, houston

︎︎︎Coming Soon: Gallery: Diaspora Dumpling Recipe Archive

this website is an ever-evolving database of aisha tida’s cultural and social endeavors.